Jumbo Flower Wallet


Open this 7 x 9-inch black cardboard wallet to show it empty. Close it, and when you re-open it, out pops a 9-inch diameter bouquet of four mylar spring flowers. Repeat three more times!

Over the past 20 years I’ve sold 1000s of the cardboard wallet that produces mylar spring flowers. Most likely you have one. But have you ever wanted a BIGGER ONE? Now you can have it! Open this 7 x 9-inch black cardboard wallet to show it empty. Close it, and when you re-open it, out pops a 9-inch diameter bouquet of four mylar spring flowers. That’s not all — you repeat it three more times to produce FOUR BOUQUETS in all! Yes, after showing the wallet empty, you produce FOUR large bouquets! Wonderful visual magic! $20
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